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Adobe XD

3 weeks​

Victoria Bueno
Sara M. Carrillo
Min Huei Lu

UX Designer, UI Designer

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Case Study​

Brand Conceptualization

"A completely personalized experience, you won't ever notice your style is virtual."



We wanted to better understand how online shopping experience can be improved. We hypothesized that shoppers want a more personalized experience to save time when browsing and to better find what they’re looking for.


Your very own Personal Shopper – does the leg work of finding products you will love so you can spend more time wearing your new clothes.


The best product started from these steps as below, I personally think that every single step is really important to uncover the real problem, we had to start researching and analyzing the information we have received from users. And the next step is creating the prototype, testing, and iterating the product until we got the master piece. 

Proto Persona

The Research Data

Our team survey consisted of 68 people all of whom have gone shopping online. Using a relative distribution of males and females, we utilize both qualitative and quantitative user research.

The Interview Script

We interviewed a handful of online shoppers in search of new cloth.

The Interview Notes

We interviewed 5 users to uncover new insights, new observations, and find out problems faced by user group. *Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users

The Affinity Diagram

We categorized and analyzed the interview notes and the survey notes to help us evaluate what challenges our users face. 


The User Insight

Users want to better find what they’re looking for online and to make more informed decisions about the fit, quality, & price of those products without spending so much time browsing multiple sites. 


How might we help shoppers to use an all-encompassing platform to provide a more customized experience based on the shopper's preferences and past purchases that will save the shopper time and provide one resource for shopping and inspiration?

The Problem Statement

Shoppers are turning to their smartphones to make purchases now more than ever. Through our research, we have uncovered that shoppers are frustrated by the amount of time it takes to search for what they want. They use multiple sites, which is more difficult via mobile, and oftentimes do not find what they are looking for. 

I like, I wish, What if

A structured way of organizing feedback that is gathered from the testing sessions.

Feature Prioritization Matrix

A 2D-visual that shows the relative importance of a set of items based on two weighted criteria. This structured, objective approach help achieve collaborative consensus while satisfying the varied needs of the user and business.

The Value Proposition

“Personal Shopper” is launching to elevate your online shopping to a more focused, personalized, and interactive experience.

Users will be able to get a virtual fitting with a body scanner that determines their best size in any brand as well as a customized style experience.

To enhance our mobile apps works better, we did the research by doing competitor analysis to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors.

Personal shopper is an online retailer tool that helps users make smarter decision about their personal shopping experience through data imported from various fashion accounts.



The Journey Map

We created the journey map into digital formats, collaborate synchronously, and integrate external data in our journey maps to ensure that the customer journey is accurate.


The Competitor Analysis

The Digital Sketch & Wireframes

The best product started from these steps as below, I personally think that every single step is really important to uncover the real problem, we had to start researching and analyzing the information we have received from users. And the next step is creating the prototype, testing, and iterating the product until we got the master piece. 

The Lo–Fi Prototype

For the best result, we created a & b prototypes and let all users we have found test it. Everyone feel free to test our prototype by clicking the link below the images. *better testing on desktop

05 The Validation

The Usability Testing

We have tested 5 users to uncover the user problems, each user will have to complete 2 tasks for each prototype. It only takes about 10 –15 mins, and all users will get a small reward for their time. 

The Iteration

After analyzing the data we received from our interviewee through Zoom/Video Calls, we redesign the final wireframes by combining the main features of each testing A/B

06 UI Hi–Fi Prototype

In the beginning of the process, we realized we were solutioning before we had finished our research. We were not 100% guided by the users’ pain points - we had to step back to solidify that understanding.


Going back and getting a clear idea of the needs of our users kept our goals front & center and allowed us to re-focus.

Next Step

  • Virtual try-on feature - see how clothes look on you before purchasing.

  • Paid service for a human personal shopper / stylist.

  • Look-book social media feature to share your style & get inspiration.

  • Subscription service to receive quarterly curated packages.

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